Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What's in your backyard?

Now, as a civil servant, I understand that the tax payers rather not finance my bizarre internet wanders. Before the reader casts judgment, it must be explained that my vocation as a Claims Representative - an abridged job description would include (among its comprehensive list of duties) listening to often fabricated tales of personal tragedy and mishap - can lead to a rare but lethal mental condition best described as terminal ennui. It’s during those oh-to-frequent moments of abject tedium that the siren call of Google is its sweetest.
Sometimes, my searches are job related - like looking for a new one - but usually I just type in random word combinations to see what comes up. It’s escapism. But I should count my blessings- had I been born twenty years earlier and entered the work force prior to the advent of the Internet - I would have fallen to drinking heavily. So, yeah for technology.
A warning to the meek, random Google searches can produce results that are not necessarily appropriate to the work environment. But, if judgment is exercised and juvenile instincts averted, certain obvious results can be avoided. So, in short, save those searches for “massive AND mammary” for home.
During the early ‘60s, twelve Atlas-F missile bases were constructed around the now decommissioned Plattsburg Airforce Base. These bases - arrayed around Plattsburg in a semi-circle that stretched from Swanton, VT to Willsboro, NY - were built as a strategic salient against the Red menace during the cold war.
Each missile base was capable of launching a single, liquid oxygen/kerosene fueled, nuclear-armed Atlas-F intercontinental ballistic missile. The missile measured 81-feet-long and could deliver a 3.75 mega-ton warhead up to 11,500 miles away. These twelve sites - which were operated by the 556th Strategic Missile Squadron - were the only launch-ready nuclear missile silos ever constructed east of the Mississippi river. This strategic location put the Plattsburg based missiles within striking distance of soft targets in the European portion of the now defunct Soviet Union. And, though each base came with a $14-million price tag(that’s what it cost back in the ‘60s) they were only active from 1962 to 1965. By the time the silos were fully operational, advances in solid-fuel technology had made the liquid-fueled Atlas missiles obsolete.
Atlas missiles, because they burned an unstable fuel, had to be gased-up just prior to launch. It took about ten to fifteen minutes to fuel an Atlas missile and get it off the ground - precious moments considering the end game was mutually assured destruction. Whereas a ballistic missile powered by solid fuel could be stored fully-fuel and ready for instant launch.
But, I can‘t talk anymore about scary things like ballistic nuclear weapons while there are two abandoned missile silos just down the road. There is only one thing to do: pack the family into the station wagon and take a little road trip. Of course, I won’t tell them where we are going until we’re there, otherwise, their enthusiasm for this expedition might flag.

After the twelve missile bases were decommissioned in 1965 the properties were turned over to the municipalities in which they were located.
Currently, the Alburgh site is used by the town’s highway department as a storage facility for heavy equipment and supplies. The approach to the site is easy enough to locate. On US Route 2 North, a bit past the Vermont Welcome Center and just before the highway bends left toward the Rouse‘s Point Bridge, there is a paved access road that spurs off to the right. This is Missile Base Rd and, comically, the road's name is miss-spelled on the street sign. I guess this creative spelling policy is typical of the area’s population, especially considering that the citizenry voted in 2006 to add a silent ’h’ to the end of the town’s name.
No matter how you spell it, Alburgh is small. About 2000 souls call this 43-square-mile town home. The downtown section -which is a shambles of dilapidated homes and shabby storefronts along Route 2 - is an uninspiring site to travelers crossing into Alburgh which shares its borders with Canada to the North and New York to the West. It appears that only gas stations do brisk business here.

The abandoned missile base is no different. The barbwire-topped security fence that runs the perimeter of the site is rusted and listing outward in places and inward in others. The interior of the site is a chaos of invalided dump trucks and paving equipment. The actual silo doors - which are massive, hydraulically-operated steel-reinforced concrete structures - are completely obscured by a heap of asphalt boulders, tons of rebar, miscellaneous scrap metal and other such rubble. When I visited the site, the main gate was left open and - though a radio blared country music from inside one of the out buildings - not a soul was about the place - save a scruffy woodchuck who scared easily.

Despite the mess, it is obvious that this was once a military installation. Upon entering the site, two, half-tubular metal structures are immediately visible. These iconic buildings, called Quanset huts (that‘s pronounced “kwan-set”) , were a staple of military bases from World War II to the end of the cold war. The Quanset hut, named for the military base in Rhode Island where they were first manufactured, is a light-weight, portable building system designed to provide the military with a universal facility that could be used to house anything from soldiers to dental offices. At the close of World War II, many surplus huts were sold to the general public. So versatile and pragmatic were these buildings that - even today - many still dot the landscape. They now serve as garages, farm outbuildings, churches and even as creative living spaces for certain elements of the counter culture. In fact, there are companies today that produce pre-fabricated, metal structures based on the Quanset hut for commercial and residential storage or manufacturing. If you don’t believe me, just check out the advertisement section at the back of any recent issue of Popular Science. This month the add is just across from the full-page promotion for Magna RX, you know, the male anatomy enhancement pill.

Although the silo doors are covered by detritus, the concrete shrouded entry way is open. A long run of steps lead down toward the control room. The way is dark and the air in the stairwell is earthy and moist. I don’t need to venture in to realize that the site is flooded. Under the water, is the two-floor control room where once a five man crew stood ready to unleash nuclear death upon the world. From the control room, a tunnel leads to the actual missile silo. The silo, at 174 ft deep and 52 ft wide, is a veritable, underground skyscraper. (What would you call an underground skyscraper: a hell-scraper, magna-scraper or a tomb?) This is pretty cool, but, I’m disappointed that the missile doors are hidden. So, it’s time to move along.

The missile base in Swanton, located off of Middle Rd, is the more presentable of the two. The site, owned by a local drilling company, lies amidst a bucolic scene of corn fields and country homesteads. During the ‘60s, the “goings-on” here must have caused quite a stir at the town’s general store. I can’t help but wonder what the locals must have said about the armed, nuclear missile nestled below their pastures.
Just like the site in Alburgh, the perimeter is hemmed by a security fence. Unlike the site in Alburgh, the gate is shut and locked. Sneaking around the fence, looking for another way in, takes me back to high school. Alas, my fence hopping days are over - besides, my records were expunged when I turned eighteen and I’d like to make the most of this fresh start. However, the two Quanset huts - beset by an inventory of drilling rigs - can be seen through the chain link fence. Beyond the huts I can make out the large, square silo doors. These 45-ton structures are standing open - their hydraulic actuators exposed - and it is thoroughly impressive.

Sunday, April 6, 2008
When I close my eyes I see the road. It reels out before me like an endless strip of film. Recorded there in the latent, mental tarmac are all the places that have passed me by and all the places I've yet to pass. The road is my story and the story is life. It calls to me and I yearn for it.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Fun what?
I’m no “race-car ya ya.” By the way, that’s a Cake reference. . . yes, their new stuff sucks but in the ’90s they rocked. Back to the point, I don’t like NASCAR. In fact, I loath NASCAR and consider it an over-scripted bit of profiteering that preys upon a nation of overfed, couch-tethered, Jerry Springer fans (wow, that sounds a lot like WWF wrestling). Plus, NASCAR is boring - really boring. Come on, what fun is there in watching a bunch of sponsor-festooned slot cars orbit an oval? Besides, who can really tell the Fords from the Toyotas!?
There is, however, a new low-buck alternative to the otherwise cash-driven world of wheel-to-wheel racing. When I say “new,” I mean “new” to the United States. See, the Uniroyal Fun-Cup has, for the last ten years, been steadily gaining popularity in Europe. The Fun-Cup began in Belgium back in 1997 as a way for cash-deprived, would-be racers to get affordable, seat time in competitive wheel-to-wheel racing. Since its inception, the series has spread across Europe with events at more than thirty venues. The culmination of last year's Cup featured a grid of more than 170 cars competing in a 25-hour endurance race at the Spa circuit in Belgium. With more than 30,000 fans in attendance at Spa, the Fun-Cup seems to be developing a large and loyal following. Organizers hope that this year’s introduction of the Fun-Cup to North America will prove just as successful.
To keep costs down, the series has been built around a low-cost spec racer that, in turn-key form, lists for about $35,000. For comparison, consider that just a NASCAR Nextel Cup engine has a price tag north of $40 grand. (I wasn’t able to locate a cost breakdown for the new NASCAR Car Of Tomorrow.) To further reduce the price of tuition, Fun-Cup races average five or six hours long, allowing for multiple drivers for each race car. This allows participants to split the costs among team-drivers. It’s a sort of racecar pool where as many as five drivers may use the same car at the same race. Finally, as a nod to the greenies, the Fun-Cup car is powered by ethanol.
Ordinarily, I don’t get all goofy about spec racecars, but, this one is different. This one is a Beetle. The Fun-Cup spec car has a polymer body molded in the timeless shape of the classic Volkswagen Beetle. In fact, the windshield and wipers are actual VW Beetle pieces while the Fun-Cup car’s rear-mounted, water-cooled engine is a parts-bin item that would be at home under the hood of any late-model New Beetle. I suppose that this is no surprise. What other form could a low-buck racecar burning alternative fuels take.
There is, however, a new low-buck alternative to the otherwise cash-driven world of wheel-to-wheel racing. When I say “new,” I mean “new” to the United States. See, the Uniroyal Fun-Cup has, for the last ten years, been steadily gaining popularity in Europe. The Fun-Cup began in Belgium back in 1997 as a way for cash-deprived, would-be racers to get affordable, seat time in competitive wheel-to-wheel racing. Since its inception, the series has spread across Europe with events at more than thirty venues. The culmination of last year's Cup featured a grid of more than 170 cars competing in a 25-hour endurance race at the Spa circuit in Belgium. With more than 30,000 fans in attendance at Spa, the Fun-Cup seems to be developing a large and loyal following. Organizers hope that this year’s introduction of the Fun-Cup to North America will prove just as successful.
To keep costs down, the series has been built around a low-cost spec racer that, in turn-key form, lists for about $35,000. For comparison, consider that just a NASCAR Nextel Cup engine has a price tag north of $40 grand. (I wasn’t able to locate a cost breakdown for the new NASCAR Car Of Tomorrow.) To further reduce the price of tuition, Fun-Cup races average five or six hours long, allowing for multiple drivers for each race car. This allows participants to split the costs among team-drivers. It’s a sort of racecar pool where as many as five drivers may use the same car at the same race. Finally, as a nod to the greenies, the Fun-Cup car is powered by ethanol.
Ordinarily, I don’t get all goofy about spec racecars, but, this one is different. This one is a Beetle. The Fun-Cup spec car has a polymer body molded in the timeless shape of the classic Volkswagen Beetle. In fact, the windshield and wipers are actual VW Beetle pieces while the Fun-Cup car’s rear-mounted, water-cooled engine is a parts-bin item that would be at home under the hood of any late-model New Beetle. I suppose that this is no surprise. What other form could a low-buck racecar burning alternative fuels take.

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