About this time of year, when the shadows get long and the nights are chill, there can be felt a certain sinister presence in the wood. For this is the season in which the latent spirits of the dead dance in the realm of the living. So beware. . .

. . . of those stone steps hewn from the living rock, for they may no longer lead home and deliberate . . .

. . . long before going down that dark path for the way may be blocked by something more untoward than a fallen tree and. . .

. . . never, ever, tarry where monuments mark the demise of the great beasts that have haunted man's past and above all. . .

. . . do not refuge in the eternal trees for during All Hallow's Eve they are wrought with the most sinister of intentions. . .

. . . heed these warnings and perhaps you may avoid the dark demise awaiting the foolhardy.
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